Monday, March 21, 2011

Wet spring so far

Due to yesterday being the official first day of spring we would like to say hello to a new season!  New seasons mean all types of different things!  From different activities to different apparel.  Yesterday I got to put on the knee high boots and take a walk in my backyard.  The lake in the backyard mixed with the melting snow made for muddy conditions so my knee high boots from Lacrosse kept my feet dry and happy!  It is always interesting to see what is left with the snow melts.... everything from sticks and logs to Nike shoes and a golf ball were laying around.  My friends and I also got to see nature come alive with a the neighborhood family of fox coming back out to play and the geese moving back in.  Spring means new life and new sites to see!  I cannot wait to see what else spring has to offer us!

