Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Youth Outdoors USA Blog

Welcome to the blog of Youth Outdoors USA!

Youth Outdoors USA is a website featuring extensive information to help motivate our youth to get back outside enjoying sports and all the natural wonders this world has to offer.  We hope you will enjoy visiting our website often, and get all the young people you know involved.

On this blog, we will be talking about just about anything related to "The Great Outdoors", and offering ideas to get your loved ones interested in investigating all the terrific activities available outside for themselves.

Now, I would like to introduce Kara Wattunen, who is our director in Minnesota, and the head honcho of social marketing for Youth Outdoors USA.  She has spent many wonderful days hunting and fishing in her region, and has some tremendous ideas for expanding your child's world beyond the ever present video screen.

Thanks for stopping by!  We hope you have a great time joining us in our quest to get kids, their families and friends outdoors having the time of their lives.

